View CallFire System Variables
Variables in CallFire XML
All variables in CallFire XML follow the following format: ${variable_name} System variables have the "call." prepended to each name. For example: ${call.callerid}
NOTE: CallFire XML supports true case-sensitivity.
Reserved Variable List
- call.callerid Caller ID of the incoming call.
- call.callerid.alpha This is the alphanumeric caller ID on an incoming call.
- call.dnis The phone number dialed for an incoming call.
- contact .A References the column in the uploaded data for the user. For example, contact.A would reference the 'A' column of the Excel sheet used to upload the phone numbers for the campaign. Valid from 'A' to 'ZZ'
- This is the ID of the active call. Each call on CallFire has a unique ID.
- call.lastinput The last digits that the user entered.
- call.path An internal reference to the action being performed. This is referred to as the node path, and will show up in logs to help identify which node is executing.
- call.phonenumber The phone number that is called. Used for outbound.
Date and Time
Date and time stamps can be created using the following variables. All times are in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). The formula should look like this: ${}
- Gives the date in month, day, year.
- global.time Gives the time in hour:minutes:seconds
- global.time.hour Gives the hour only.
- global.time.hour.military Gives the hour in military time.
- Gives the month only.
- Gives the day of the month only.
- Gives the numeric day of the week only. Sunday is read as "1" and Saturday as "7."
- Gives the year only.
Reserved System Contact Variables
CallFire currently has six reserved variables that are linked to your account contacts. The contacts must already exist in your account, or you may upload them via Excel into an individual campaign, provided that you name the Excel columns with the variable below. You can then reference them in the XML code, most often in a play tag, as such:
- ${contact.firstName}
- ${contact.lastName}
- ${contact.zipcode}
- ${contact.workPhone}
- ${contact.mobilePhone}
- ${contact.homePhone}
- ${contact.X} is also allowed, where X references the column in the Excel file you are uploading.
For example, a play tag like this: "Hello ${contact.firstName} ${contact.lastName}. Your account has a balance of ${contact.A}." would read your contact's full name, followed by the contents of the A column in the uploaded Excel file.
Localizing Date and Time Variables
A few date and time variables can be configured to your local time zone. Currently, these include the following:
- ${}
- ${}
- ${global.time.TimeZoneID.hour.military}
- ${}
All three are read as integers by the CallFire Play tag, so the text-to-speech will not read "January," but "1." You can find a link to the appropriate TimeZoneIDs here. For example you can personalize the tags like this:
- ${}
- ${}
- ${global.time.America/Chicago}