Text and Voice Broadcast Messaging
Broadcasting is a communication technique that broadcasts a text or voice messages to hundreds or thousands of recipients at once. CallFire provides 3 types of broadcasts: Text, Voice and IVR. The last two types are represented by single entity within CallFire API which called Call Broadcast.
Text Broadcasts
Text Broadcast allows you to send a short text message to a list of recipients. By default, all messages go out from the shared shortcode 67076. You can stay with our shortcode or buy a dedicated long or shortcode to use as the FromNumber. Recipients can reply to a received message, and those replies will appear on on the UI Inbox page and can be queried via API. CallFire provides the ability to create a templated message, for instance "Hello ${user}, the current date is ${current_date}" and then pass attributes or custom fields unique to each recipient.
You can create a broadcast with no contacts and bare minimum configuration and add contacts later to an existing broadcast. The code examples below show how to create a broadcast with recipients and a templated message:
[[code-container]] [+curl] request:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
curl -u username:password -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST -d '
"name":"Charity SMS Campaign",
"u_name": "Alice",
"age": 30
"u_name": "Mark",
"age": 45
"message": "Hi ${u_name}, the megic number is ${magic_number}",
"u_name": "Jane",
"magic_number": "10"
"message":"Hello {u_name} ..."
}' "https://api.callfire.com/v2/texts/broadcasts"
"id": 13
import com.callfire.api.client.CallfireClient;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.campaigns.model.TextBroadcast;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.campaigns.model.TextRecipient;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.common.model.ResourceId;
import java.util.Arrays;
class ApiClientSample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
CallfireClient client = new CallfireClient("api_login", "api_password");
TextBroadcast broadcast = new TextBroadcast();
broadcast.setName("Charity SMS Campaign");
// attach custom labels if needed
broadcast.setLabels(Arrays.asList("charity", "id-10003"));
// You can use default shared short code 67076 or uncomment the next line and set your own number
// by default if text exceeds length of 160 characters, CallFire will send a text as multiple messages.
// broadcast.setBigMessageStrategy(TextBroadcast.BigMessageStrategy.TRIM);
broadcast.setMessage("Hello {u_name} ...");
// add new recipients
TextRecipient recipient1 = new TextRecipient();
// set custom recipient attributes, they are available only to a single Call/Text
// action, do not confuse them with contact fields which are stored with contact and are available to
// each Call/Text where contact is attached to
recipient1.getAttributes().put("u_name", "Alice");
recipient1.getAttributes().put("age", "30");
TextRecipient recipient2 = new TextRecipient();
recipient2.getAttributes().put("u_name", "Mark");
recipient2.getAttributes().put("age", "45");
TextRecipient recipient3 = new TextRecipient();
// You can override a message set in broadcast for a particular recipient
recipient3.setMessage("Hi {u_name}, the megic number is ${magic_number}");
// Set custom attribute
recipient3.getAttributes().put("u_name", "Jane");
recipient3.getAttributes().put("magic_number", "10");
broadcast.setRecipients(Arrays.asList(recipient1, recipient2, recipient3));
// create broadcast and start immediately
ResourceId id = client.textBroadcastsApi().create(broadcast, true);
using System.Collections.Generic;
using CallfireApiClient;
using CallfireApiClient.Api.CallsTexts.Model;
using CallfireApiClient.Api.Campaigns.Model;
public class ApiClientSample
public static void Main(string[] args)
var client = new CallfireClient("api_login", "api_password");
var broadcast = new TextBroadcast
Name = "Charity Campaign",
// set validated Caller ID number.
FromNumber = "19206596476",
// attach custom labels if needed
Labels = new List<string> {"charity", "id-10003"},
// set message text
Message = @"Hello {u_name} ...",
// add new recipients
Recipients = new List<TextRecipient>
new TextRecipient
PhoneNumber = "13233834422",
// set custom recipient attributes, they are available only to a single Call/Text
// action, do not confuse them with contact fields which are stored with contact
// and are available to each Call/Text where contact is attached to
Attributes = new Dictionary<string, string>
{"u_name", "Alice"},
{"age", "30"}
new TextRecipient
PhoneNumber = "13233834433",
Attributes = new Dictionary<string, string>
{"u_name", "Mark"},
{"age", "45"}
new TextRecipient
PhoneNumber = "13233834488",
// you can override a message set in broadcast for a particular recipient
Message = "Hi ${u_name}, the megic number is ${magic_number}",
Attributes = new Dictionary<string, string>
{"u_name", "Jane"},
{"magic_number", "10"}
// create broadcast with 'start' argument = true to start campaign immediately
var id = client.TextBroadcastsApi.Create(broadcast, true);
const CallfireClient = require('callfire-api-client-js');
const client = new CallfireClient('api-login', 'api-password');
client.ready(() => {
// set start parameter to run broadcast immediately
// start: true,
body: {
name: 'Charity SMS Campaign',
labels: [
fromNumber: '19206596476',
recipients: [
phoneNumber: '13233834422',
attributes: {
u_name: 'Alice',
age: 30
phoneNumber: '13233834433',
attributes: {
u_name: 'Mark',
age: 45
phoneNumber: '13233834488',
message: 'Hi ${u_name}, the megic number is ${magic_number}',
attributes: {
u_name: 'Jane',
magic_number: 10
message: 'Hello {u_name} ...'
.then((response) => {
.catch((err) => {
console.log('request error ' + err.data);
(clientError) => {
console.log('client error ' + clientError);
from callfire.client import CallfireClient
client = CallfireClient('api-login', 'api-password')
response = client.texts.createTextBroadcast(
# set start parameter to run broadcast immediately
# start: true,
'name': 'Charity SMS Campaign',
'labels': [
'fromNumber': '19206596476',
'recipients': [
'phoneNumber': '13233834422',
'attributes': {
'u_name': 'Alice',
'age': 30
'phoneNumber': '13233834433',
'attributes': {
'u_name': 'Mark',
'age': 45
'phoneNumber': '13233834488',
'message': 'Hi ${u_name}, the megic number is ${magic_number}',
'attributes': {
'u_name': 'Jane',
'magic_number': 10
'message': 'Hello {u_name} ...'
# see sample JSON response for this API
# on 'curl' samples tab
class ApiClientSample {
public static function main() {
$client = \CallFire\Api\DocumentedClient::createClient("login", "password");
$request = $client->createTextBroadcast();
$body = '{
"name":"Charity SMS Campaign",
"u_name": "Alice",
"age": 30
"u_name": "Mark",
"age": 45
"message": "Hi ${u_name}, the megic number is ${magic_number}",
"u_name": "Jane",
"magic_number": "10"
"message":"Hello {u_name} ..."
$result = $client->request($request);
$json = json_decode($result->getBody());
See Create Text Broadcast API for detailed information about accepted parameters and responses.
Call Broadcasts (Voice and IVR)
Call Broadcasts represent two type of broadcasts: Voice and IVR. Everything that Voice broadcast can do you can also accomplish with the IVR broadcast, and the IVR allows you to ask questions through pre-recorded or text-to-speech prompts, and receive responses via phone key presses.
Voice Broadcasts allow you to send a pre-recorded voice message to a number of people. You can configure what message to play if the call is answered by a person, and set a different message to play if an answering machine is detected. Voice broadcasts can be configured to transfer a call when a transfer digit is pressed. The following settings are available for Call Broadcasts (Voice & IVR):
- Local Time Dialing Restrictions - If set, the campaign will not dial outside of these hours, based on the timezone associated with the contact's area code.
- Scheduling - Schedule when to start and stop the broadcast. Set a weekly schedule, for instance, to start the broadcast on every Monday and Wednesday.
- Max Simultaneous Calls - Set the maximum number of calls to send out at the same time.
- Automatic Retry - Allows you to set up a retry configuration to attempt a contact's phone number again if, on the first attempt, the contact's number was busy or the call was unansweered. You can specify how many times CallFire should attempt to call a phone number, and set the interval between attempts.
[[code-container]] [+curl] request:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
curl -u username:password -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST -d '
"name":"Call Broadcast",
"liveSoundText":"Hello! This is a live answer text to speech recording",
"machineSoundText":"This is an answering machine text to speech recording"
"voice tag",
"beginHour": 9,
"beginMinute": 0,
"endHour": 18,
"endMinute": 0
"hour": 10,
"minute": 0,
"second": 0
"timeZone": "America/New_York",
"year": 2016,
"month": 12,
"day": 1
"maxAttempts": 2,
"minutesBetweenAttempts": 5,
}' "https://api.callfire.com/v2/calls/broadcasts"
"id": 15
import com.callfire.api.client.CallfireClient;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.campaigns.model.AnsweringMachineConfig;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.campaigns.model.CallBroadcast;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.campaigns.model.CallBroadcastSounds;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.campaigns.model.LocalTimeRestriction;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.campaigns.model.RetryConfig;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.campaigns.model.RetryConfig.RetryPhoneTypes;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.campaigns.model.RetryConfig.RetryResults;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.campaigns.model.Schedule;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.common.model.LocalDate;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.common.model.LocalTime;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.common.model.ResourceId;
import java.time.DayOfWeek;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
class CreateVoiceBroadcastSample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
CallfireClient client = new CallfireClient("api_login", "api_password");
CallBroadcast broadcast = new CallBroadcast();
broadcast.setName("Call Broadcast");
// attach custom labels if needed
broadcast.setLabels(Arrays.asList("voice tag", "id-10002"));
// set validated Caller ID number.
// set answering machine detection
// set voice messages using TTS option for Live answers and when Answering Machine is detected.
// you also can set a pre-defined TTS voice.
CallBroadcastSounds sounds = new CallBroadcastSounds();
sounds.setLiveSoundText("Hello! This is a live answer text to speech recording");
sounds.setMachineSoundText("This is an answering machine text to speech recording");
// allow CallFire to dial recipient only between 09:00 - 18:00 depending on
// recipient's number area code timezone
LocalTimeRestriction timeRestriction = new LocalTimeRestriction();
// set retry configuration to attempt a contact's Mobile and Work phone numbers twice in case Call was
// resulted to BUSY or No Answer response. Set 5 minutes between attempts.
RetryConfig retryConfig = new RetryConfig();
retryConfig.setRetryResults(Arrays.asList(RetryResults.BUSY, RetryResults.NO_ANS));
retryConfig.setRetryPhoneTypes(Arrays.asList(RetryPhoneTypes.MOBILE_PHONE, RetryPhoneTypes.WORK_PHONE));
// schedule a campaign to run on every Monday and Wednesday starting from 2016-12-01 10:00:00
Schedule schedule = new Schedule();
schedule.setStartDate(new LocalDate(2016, 12, 1));
schedule.setStartTimeOfDay(new LocalTime(10, 0, 0));
// set weekly schedule
schedule.setDaysOfWeek(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(DayOfWeek.MONDAY, DayOfWeek.WEDNESDAY)));
// set optional time zone, if leave empty account's timezone will be used
// create broadcast with 'start' argument = true to start campaign immediately
ResourceId id = client.callBroadcastsApi().create(broadcast);
using System.Collections.Generic;
using CallfireApiClient;
using CallfireApiClient.Api.Campaigns.Model;
using CallfireApiClient.Api.Common.Model;
public class ApiClientSample
public static void Main(string[] args)
var client = new CallfireClient("api_login", "api_password");
var broadcast = new CallBroadcast
Name = "Call Broadcast",
// set validated Caller ID number.
FromNumber = "12135551189",
// attach custom labels if needed
Labels = new List<string> { "voice tag", "id-10002" },
// set answering machine detection
AnsweringMachineConfig = AnsweringMachineConfig.AM_AND_LIVE,
// set voice messages using TTS option for Live answers and when Answering Machine is detected.
Sounds = new CallBroadcastSounds
LiveSoundText = "Hello! This is a live answer text to speech recording",
MachineSoundText = "This is an answering machine text to speech recording",
// allow CallFire to dial recipient only between 09:00 - 18:00 depending on
// recipient's number area code timezone
LocalTimeRestriction = new LocalTimeRestriction
BeginHour = 9,
BeginMinute = 0,
EndHour = 18,
EndMinute = 0
// schedule a campaign to run on every Monday and Wednesday starting from 2016-12-01 10:00:00
Schedules = new List<Schedule>
new Schedule
StartDate = new LocalDate {Year = 2016, Month = 12, Day = 1},
StartTimeOfDay = new LocalTime {Hour = 10, Minute = 0, Second = 0},
// set weekly schedule
DaysOfWeek = new HashSet<DayOfWeek> {DayOfWeek.MONDAY, DayOfWeek.WEDNESDAY},
// set optional time zone, if leave empty account's timezone will be used
TimeZone = "America/New_York"
// set retry configuration to attempt a contact's Mobile and Work phone numbers twice in case Call was
// resulted to BUSY or No Answer response. Set 5 minutes between attempts.
RetryConfig = new RetryConfig
MaxAttempts = 2,
MinutesBetweenAttempts = 5,
RetryResults = new List<RetryResults> { RetryResults.BUSY, RetryResults.NO_ANS },
RetryPhoneTypes = new List<RetryPhoneTypes>
// create broadcast with 'start' argument = true to start campaign immediately
var id = client.CallBroadcastsApi.Create(broadcast);
const CallfireClient = require('callfire-api-client-js');
const client = new CallfireClient('api-login', 'api-password');
client.ready(() => {
body: {
name: 'Call Broadcast',
fromNumber: '12135551189',
answeringMachineConfig: 'AM_AND_LIVE',
sounds: {
liveSoundText: 'Hello! This is a live answer text to speech recording',
machineSoundText: 'This is an answering machine text to speech recording'
labels: [
'voice tag',
localTimeRestriction: {
beginHour: 9,
beginMinute: 0,
endHour: 18,
endMinute: 0
schedules: [
startTimeOfDay: {
hour: 10,
minute: 0,
second: 0
daysOfWeek: [
timeZone: 'America/New_York',
startDate: {
year: 2016,
month: 12,
day: 1
retryConfig: {
maxAttempts: 2,
minutesBetweenAttempts: 5,
retryResults: [
retryPhoneTypes: [
.then((response) => {
.catch((err) => {
console.log('request error ' + err.data);
(clientError) => {
console.log('client error ' + clientError);
from callfire.client import CallfireClient
client = CallfireClient('api-login', 'api-password')
response = client.calls.createCallBroadcast(
'name': 'Call Broadcast',
'fromNumber': '12135551189',
'answeringMachineConfig': 'AM_AND_LIVE',
'sounds': {
'liveSoundText': 'Hello! This is a live answer text to speech recording',
'machineSoundText': 'This is an answering machine text to speech recording'
'labels': [
'voice tag',
'localTimeRestriction': {
'beginHour': 9,
'beginMinute': 0,
'endHour': 18,
'endMinute': 0
'schedules': [
'startTimeOfDay': {
'hour': 10,
'minute': 0,
'second': 0
'daysOfWeek': [
'timeZone': 'America/New_York',
'startDate': {
'year': 2016,
'month': 12,
'day': 1
'retryConfig': {
'maxAttempts': 2,
'minutesBetweenAttempts': 5,
'retryResults': [
'retryPhoneTypes': [
# see sample JSON response for this API
# on 'curl' samples tab
class ApiClientSample {
public static function main() {
$client = \CallFire\Api\DocumentedClient::createClient("login", "password");
$request = $client->createCallBroadcast();
$body = '{
"name":"Call Broadcast",
"liveSoundText":"Hello! This is a live answer text to speech recording",
"machineSoundText":"This is an answering machine text to speech recording"
"voice tag",
"beginHour": 9,
"beginMinute": 0,
"endHour": 18,
"endMinute": 0
"hour": 10,
"minute": 0,
"second": 0
"timeZone": "America/New_York",
"year": 2016,
"month": 12,
"day": 1
"maxAttempts": 2,
"minutesBetweenAttempts": 5,
$result = $client->request($request);
$json = json_decode($result->getBody());
Let's take a look how to create an IVR broadcast. The next XML sample represents a CallFire IVR dialplan which does the following:
- detects if the call is answered by a human or an answering machine, then plays a message or hangs up the phone.
- once the message is played, waits for user input before a given timeout (in our case 3500 milliseconds).
- if users presses "1," repeats the voice message, otherwise hangs up the phone.
<dialplan name="Root">
<!-- answering machine detection -->
<!-- if call is answered by human go to live menu -->
<!-- hangup if answering machine detected -->
<menu maxDigits="1" timeout="3500" name="live">
<!-- play a text message -->
<play type="tts" voice="female1" name="play_msg">Hello, ${contact.firstName}, this is CallFire IVR message.</play>
<!-- user has pressed 1, repeat starting from menu entry -->
<keypress pressed="1">
<!-- nothing is pressed for a 3500 milliseconds, hang up the phone -->
<keypress pressed="timeout">
<hangup name="hangup"/>
You can find more information about the IVR at CallFire Answers Page and different IVR examples are available on our public Github repository.
Check the CallFire XML page for a detailed description of all IVR tags.
The examples below show how to send an IVR call with the given dialplan, please make sure you properly encoded an XML string; otherwise you'll receive 400 Bad Request response.
[[code-container]] [+curl] request:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
curl -u username:password -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST -d '
"name": "Call Broadcast",
"fromNumber": "12135551189",
"labels": [
"ivr tag",
"localTimeRestriction": {
"beginHour": 9,
"beginMinute": 0,
"endHour": 18,
"endMinute": 0
"schedules": [
"startTimeOfDay": {
"hour": 10,
"minute": 0,
"second": 0
"daysOfWeek": [
"timeZone": "America/New_York",
"startDate": {
"year": 2016,
"month": 12,
"day": 1
"retryConfig": {
"maxAttempts": 2,
"minutesBetweenAttempts": 5,
"retryResults": [
"retryPhoneTypes": [
"dialPlanXml": "<dialplan name=\"Root\"> <amd> <live> <goto>live</goto> </live> <machine> <goto>hangup</goto> </machine> </amd> <menu maxDigits=\"1\" timeout=\"3500\" name=\"live\"> <play type=\"tts\" voice=\"female1\" name=\"play_msg\">Hello, ${contact.firstName}, this is CallFire IVR message.</play> <keypress pressed=\"1\"> <goto>live</goto> </keypress> <keypress pressed=\"timeout\"> <hangup/> </keypress> </menu> <hangup name=\"hangup\"/> </dialplan>"
}' "https://api.callfire.com/v2/calls/broadcasts"
"id": 15
import com.callfire.api.client.CallfireClient;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.campaigns.model.CallBroadcast;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.campaigns.model.LocalTimeRestriction;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.campaigns.model.RetryConfig;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.campaigns.model.RetryConfig.RetryPhoneTypes;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.campaigns.model.RetryConfig.RetryResults;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.campaigns.model.Schedule;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.common.model.LocalDate;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.common.model.LocalTime;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.common.model.ResourceId;
import java.time.DayOfWeek;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
class CreateVoiceBroadcastSample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
CallfireClient client = new CallfireClient("api_login", "api_password");
CallBroadcast broadcast = new CallBroadcast();
broadcast.setName("Call Broadcast");
// attach custom labels if needed
broadcast.setLabels(Arrays.asList("ivr tag", "id-10002"));
// set validated Caller ID number.
// add IVR XML
// allow CallFire to dial recipient only between 09:00 - 18:00 depending on
// recipient's number area code timezone
LocalTimeRestriction timeRestriction = new LocalTimeRestriction();
// set retry configuration to attempt a contact's Mobile and Work phone numbers twice in case Call was
// resulted to BUSY or No Answer response. Set 5 minutes between attempts.
RetryConfig retryConfig = new RetryConfig();
retryConfig.setRetryResults(Arrays.asList(RetryResults.BUSY, RetryResults.NO_ANS));
retryConfig.setRetryPhoneTypes(Arrays.asList(RetryPhoneTypes.MOBILE_PHONE, RetryPhoneTypes.WORK_PHONE));
// schedule a campaign to run on every Monday and Wednesday starting from 2016-12-01 10:00:00
Schedule schedule = new Schedule();
schedule.setStartDate(new LocalDate(2016, 12, 1));
schedule.setStartTimeOfDay(new LocalTime(10, 0, 0));
// set weekly schedule
schedule.setDaysOfWeek(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(DayOfWeek.MONDAY, DayOfWeek.WEDNESDAY)));
// set optional time zone, if leave empty account's timezone will be used
// create broadcast with 'start' argument = true to start campaign immediately
ResourceId id = client.callBroadcastsApi().create(broadcast);
private static String buildDialplanXml() {
"<dialplan name=\"Root\">" +
"<!-- answering machine detection -->" +
"<amd>" +
" <!-- if call is answered by human go to live menu -->" +
" <live>" +
" <goto>live</goto>" +
" </live>" +
" <!-- hangup if answering machine detected -->" +
" <machine>" +
" <goto>hangup</goto>" +
" </machine>" +
"</amd>" +
"<menu maxDigits=\"1\" timeout=\"3500\" name=\"live\">" +
" <!-- play a text message -->" +
" <play type=\"tts\" voice=\"female1\" name=\"play_msg\">Hello, ${contact.firstName}, this is CallFire IVR message.</play>" +
" <!-- user has pressed 1, repeat starting from menu entry -->" +
" <keypress pressed=\"1\">" +
" <goto>live</goto>" +
" </keypress>" +
" <!-- nothing is pressed for a 3500 milliseconds, hang up the phone -->" +
" <keypress pressed=\"timeout\">" +
" <hangup/>" +
" </keypress>" +
"</menu>" +
"<hangup name=\"hangup\"/>" +
using System.Collections.Generic;
using CallfireApiClient;
using CallfireApiClient.Api.Campaigns.Model;
using CallfireApiClient.Api.Common.Model;
public class ApiClientSample
public static void Main(string[] args)
var client = new CallfireClient("api_login", "api_password");
var broadcast = new CallBroadcast
Name = "Call Broadcast",
// set validated Caller ID number.
FromNumber = "12135551189",
// attach custom labels if needed
Labels = new List<string> { "ivr tag", "id-10002" },
// allow CallFire to dial recipient only between 09:00 - 18:00 depending on
// recipient's number area code timezone
LocalTimeRestriction = new LocalTimeRestriction
BeginHour = 9,
BeginMinute = 0,
EndHour = 18,
EndMinute = 0
// schedule a campaign to run on every Monday and Wednesday starting from 2016-12-01 10:00:00
Schedules = new List<Schedule>
new Schedule
StartDate = new LocalDate {Year = 2016, Month = 12, Day = 1},
StartTimeOfDay = new LocalTime {Hour = 10, Minute = 0, Second = 0},
// set weekly schedule
DaysOfWeek = new HashSet<DayOfWeek> {DayOfWeek.MONDAY, DayOfWeek.WEDNESDAY},
// set optional time zone, if leave empty account's timezone will be used
TimeZone = "America/New_York"
// set retry configuration to attempt a contact's Mobile and Work phone numbers twice in case Call was
// resulted to BUSY or No Answer response. Set 5 minutes between attempts.
RetryConfig = new RetryConfig
MaxAttempts = 2,
MinutesBetweenAttempts = 5,
RetryResults = new List<RetryResults> { RetryResults.BUSY, RetryResults.NO_ANS },
RetryPhoneTypes = new List<RetryPhoneTypes>
// set IVR XML
DialplanXml = @"
<dialplan name=""Root"">
<!-- answering machine detection -->
<!-- if call is answered by human go to live menu -->
<!-- hangup if answering machine detected -->
<menu maxDigits=""1"" timeout=""3500"" name=""live"">
<!-- play a text message -->
<play type=""tts"" voice=""female1"" name=""play_msg"">Hello, ${contact.firstName}, this is CallFire IVR message.</play>
<!-- user has pressed 1, repeat starting from menu entry -->
<keypress pressed=""1"">
<!-- nothing is pressed for a 3500 milliseconds, hang up the phone -->
<keypress pressed=""timeout"">
<hangup name=""hangup""/>
// create broadcast with 'start' argument = true to start campaign immediately
var id = client.CallBroadcastsApi.Create(broadcast);
const CallfireClient = require('callfire-api-client-js');
const client = new CallfireClient('api-login', 'api-password');
client.ready(() => {
body: {
name: 'Call Broadcast',
fromNumber: '12135551189',
labels: [
'ivr tag',
localTimeRestriction: {
beginHour: 9,
beginMinute: 0,
endHour: 18,
endMinute: 0
schedules: [
startTimeOfDay: {
hour: 10,
minute: 0,
second: 0
daysOfWeek: [
timeZone: 'America/New_York',
startDate: {
year: 2016,
month: 12,
day: 1
retryConfig: {
maxAttempts: 2,
minutesBetweenAttempts: 5,
retryResults: [
retryPhoneTypes: [
dialPlanXml: '<dialplan name=\"Root\"> <amd> <live> <goto>live</goto> </live> <machine> <goto>hangup</goto> </machine> </amd> <menu maxDigits=\"1\" timeout=\"3500\" name=\"live\"> <play type=\"tts\" voice=\"female1\" name=\"play_msg\">Hello, ${contact.firstName}, this is CallFire IVR message.</play> <keypress pressed=\"1\"> <goto>live</goto> </keypress> <keypress pressed=\"timeout\"> <hangup/> </keypress> </menu> <hangup name=\"hangup\"/> </dialplan>'
.then((response) => {
.catch((err) => {
console.log('request error ' + err.data);
(clientError) => {
console.log('client error ' + clientError);
from callfire.client import CallfireClient
client = CallfireClient('api-login', 'api-password')
response = client.calls.createCallBroadcast(
'name': 'Call Broadcast',
'fromNumber': '12135551189',
'labels': [
'ivr tag',
'localTimeRestriction': {
'beginHour': 9,
'beginMinute': 0,
'endHour': 18,
'endMinute': 0
'schedules': [
'startTimeOfDay': {
'hour': 10,
'minute': 0,
'second': 0
'daysOfWeek': [
'timeZone': 'America/New_York',
'startDate': {
'year': 2016,
'month': 12,
'day': 1
'retryConfig': {
'maxAttempts': 2,
'minutesBetweenAttempts': 5,
'retryResults': [
'retryPhoneTypes': [
'dialplanXml': '<dialplan name=\"Root\"> <amd> <live> <goto>live</goto> </live> <machine> <goto>hangup</goto> </machine> </amd> <menu maxDigits=\"1\" timeout=\"3500\" name=\"live\"> <play type=\"tts\" voice=\"female1\" name=\"play_msg\">Hello, ${contact.firstName}, this is CallFire IVR message.</play> <keypress pressed=\"1\"> <goto>live</goto> </keypress> <keypress pressed=\"timeout\"> <hangup/> </keypress> </menu> <hangup name=\"hangup\"/> </dialplan>'
# see sample JSON response for this API
# on 'curl' samples tab
class ApiClientSample {
public static function main() {
$client = \CallFire\Api\DocumentedClient::createClient("login", "password");
$request = $client->createCallBroadcast();
$body = '{
"name": "Call Broadcast",
"fromNumber": "12135551189",
"ivr tag",
"beginHour": 9,
"beginMinute": 0,
"endHour": 18,
"endMinute": 0
"hour": 10,
"minute": 0,
"second": 0
"timeZone": "America/New_York",
"year": 2016,
"month": 12,
"day": 1
"maxAttempts": 2,
"minutesBetweenAttempts": 5,
"dialPlanXml": "<dialplan name=\"Root\"> <amd> <live> <goto>live</goto> </live> <machine> <goto>hangup</goto> </machine> </amd> <menu maxDigits=\"1\" timeout=\"3500\" name=\"live\"> <play type=\"tts\" voice=\"female1\" name=\"play_msg\">Hello, ${contact.firstName}, this is CallFire IVR message.</play> <keypress pressed=\"1\"> <goto>live</goto> </keypress> <keypress pressed=\"timeout\"> <hangup/> </keypress> </menu> <hangup name=\"hangup\"/> </dialplan>"
$result = $client->request($request);
$json = json_decode($result->getBody());
See Create Call Broadcast API for detailed information about accepted parameters and responses.
How to Add Recipients / Contacts to an Existing Broadcast
You can add only phone numbers to a broadcast (no contact names required), or you can add existing contacts. CallFire creates contacts on the fly from the recipients' numbers. Check contacts guide for more information on how to manage CallFire Contacts.
Users have two options to add contacts to an existing broadcast:
- Use Add Contact Batch method
- Use Add Recipients method
Both methods above are applicable for Call Broadcasts, the same methods are available for Text Broadcasts as well.
The main difference to both approaches is the first one accepts an existing contact list id and performs validation of recipients' numbers, whereas the second one does not perform a contact validation, so you may have duplicates in your broadcast. In case if you are adding recipients as plain phone numbers and one of passed numbers is bad, the API will return an error.
[[code-container]] [+curl] request:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
curl -u username:password -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST -d '
"name":"contact batch for call broadcast",
"custom_external_id": 30005044,
"custom_property_1": "value1"
# or you can add contacts from particular contact list
# contactListId: 70055003,
"scrubDuplicates": true
}' "https://api.callfire.com/v2/calls/broadcasts/11646003/batches"
"id": 13
import com.callfire.api.client.CallfireClient;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.callstexts.model.CallRecipient;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.campaigns.model.request.AddBatchRequest;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.common.model.ResourceId;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.Map;
class ApiClientSample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
CallfireClient callfireClient = new CallfireClient("api_login", "api_password");
CallRecipient recipient1 = new CallRecipient();
CallRecipient recipient2 = new CallRecipient();
CallRecipient recipient3 = new CallRecipient();
Map<String,String> attrs = new HashMap<>();
attrs.put("custom_external_id", "30005044");
attrs.put("custom_property_1", "value1");
AddBatchRequest request = AddBatchRequest.create()
.name("contact batch for call broadcast")
.recipients(Arrays.asList(recipient1, recipient2, recipient3))
//or you can add contacts from particular contact list
ResourceId resourceId = callfireClient.callBroadcastsApi().addBatch(request);
using System.Collections.Generic;
using CallfireApiClient;
using CallfireApiClient.Api.CallsTexts.Model;
using CallfireApiClient.Api.Campaigns.Model;
using CallfireApiClient.Api.Campaigns.Model.Request;
public class ApiClientSample
public static void Main(string[] args)
var client = new CallfireClient("api_login", "api_password");
var request1 = new AddBatchRequest
CampaignId = 11646003,
Name = "contact batch for call broadcast",
Recipients = new List<Recipient>
new CallRecipient {PhoneNumber = "12135551122"},
new CallRecipient {PhoneNumber = "12135553434"},
new CallRecipient
PhoneNumber = "12135558090",
Attributes = new Dictionary<string, string>
{"custom_external_id", "30005044"},
{"custom_property_1", "value1"}
//or you can add contacts from particular contact list
//ContactListId = 70055003
ScrubDuplicates = true
var resourceId = client.TextBroadcastsApi.AddBatch(request1);
const CallfireClient = require('callfire-api-client-js');
const client = new CallfireClient('api-login', 'api-password');
client.ready(() => {
id: 11646003,
body: {
name: 'contact batch for call broadcast',
recipients: [
{phoneNumber: '12135551122'},
{phoneNumber: '12135553434'},
phoneNumber: '12135558090',
attributes: {
custom_external_id: 30005044,
custom_property_1: 'value1'
// or you can add contacts from particular contact list
// contactListId: 70055003,
scrubDuplicates: true
.then((response) => {
.catch((err) => {
console.log('request error ' + err.data);
(clientError) => {
console.log('client error ' + clientError);
from callfire.client import CallfireClient
client = CallfireClient('api-login', 'api-password')
response = client.calls.addCallBroadcastBatch(
'name': 'contact batch for call broadcast',
'recipients': [
{'phoneNumber': '12135551122'},
{'phoneNumber': '12135553434'},
'phoneNumber': '12135558090',
'attributes': {
'custom_external_id': 30005044,
'custom_property_1': 'value1'
# or you can add contacts from particular contact list
# contactListId: 70055003,
'scrubDuplicates': True
# see sample JSON response for this API
# on 'curl' samples tab
class ApiClientSample {
public static function main() {
$client = \CallFire\Api\DocumentedClient::createClient("login", "password");
$request = $client->addCallBroadcastBatch();
$request->getOperationConfig()->setPathParameters(array("id" => 11646003));
$body = '{
"name":"contact batch for call broadcast",
"custom_external_id": 30005044,
"custom_property_1": "value1"
# or you can add contacts from particular contact list
# contactListId: 70055003,
"scrubDuplicates": true
$result = $client->request($request);
$json = json_decode($result->getBody());
Another method to add recipients to broadcast:
[[code-container]] [+curl] request:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
curl -u username:password -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST -d '
"custom_external_id": 30005044,
"custom_property_1": "value1"
]' "https://api.callfire.com/v2/calls/broadcasts/11646003/recipients"
"items": [
"id": 13410,
"fromNumber": "12135551189",
"toNumber": "12135551100",
"state": "READY",
"campaignId": 14,
"batchId": 12,
"contact": {
"id": 4096,
"homePhone": "12135551100"
"inbound": false,
"created": 1443383295000,
"modified": 1443383295000,
"agentCall": false
"id": 13411,
"fromNumber": "12135551189",
"toNumber": "12135551101",
"state": "READY",
"campaignId": 14,
"batchId": 12,
"contact": {
"id": 4097,
"homePhone": "12135551101"
"inbound": false,
"created": 1443383295000,
"modified": 1443383295000,
"agentCall": false
import com.callfire.api.client.CallfireClient;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.callstexts.model.Call;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.campaigns.model.Recipient;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
class ApiClientSample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
CallfireClient callfireClient = new CallfireClient("api_login", "api_password");
Recipient recipient1 = new Recipient();
Recipient recipient2 = new Recipient();
Recipient recipient3 = new Recipient();
Map<String,String> attrs = new HashMap<>();
attrs.put("custom_external_id", "30005044");
attrs.put("custom_property_1", "value1");
List<Recipient> recipients = Arrays.asList(recipient1, recipient2, recipient3);
List<Call> calls = callfireClient.callBroadcastsApi().addRecipients(11646003L, recipients);
using System.Collections.Generic;
using CallfireApiClient;
using CallfireApiClient.Api.Campaigns.Model;
public class ApiClientSample
public static void Main(string[] args)
var client = new CallfireClient("api_login", "api_password");
var calls = client.CallBroadcastsApi.AddRecipients(11646003, new List<Recipient>
new Recipient {PhoneNumber = "12135551122"},
new Recipient {ContactId = 122460000043},
new Recipient {PhoneNumber = "12135558090",
Attributes = new Dictionary<string, string>
{"custom_external_id", "30005044"},
{"custom_property_1", "value1"}
const CallfireClient = require('callfire-api-client-js');
const client = new CallfireClient('api-login', 'api-password');
client.ready(() => {
id: 11646003,
body: [
{phoneNumber: '12135551122'},
// use an existing contact in CallFire account
{contactId: 122460000043},
phoneNumber: '12135558090',
attributes: {
custom_external_id: 30005044,
custom_property_1: 'value1'
.then((response) => {
.catch((err) => {
console.log('request error ' + err.data);
(clientError) => {
console.log('client error ' + clientError);
from callfire.client import CallfireClient
client = CallfireClient('api-login', 'api-password')
response = client.calls.addCallBroadcastRecipients(
{'phoneNumber': '12135551122'},
# use an existing contact in CallFire account
{'contactId': 122460000043},
'phoneNumber': '12135558090',
'attributes': {
'custom_external_id': 30005044,
'custom_property_1': 'value1'
# see sample JSON response for this API
# on 'curl' samples tab
class ApiClientSample {
public static function main() {
$client = \CallFire\Api\DocumentedClient::createClient("login", "password");
$request = $client->addCallBroadcastRecipients();
$request->getOperationConfig()->setPathParameters(array("id" => 11646003));
$body = '[
"custom_external_id": 30005044,
"custom_property_1": "value1"
$result = $client->request($request);
$json = json_decode($result->getBody());
Default Broadcast
Each action (call or text, inbound or outbound) is always part of broadcast, and each broadcast has its own configuration, for instance:
- Labels - Add labels to broadcasts or assign them to actions; the API allows you to query actions by labels.
- Caller ID - is used as the "From" phone number for every call in the campaign
- Local Time Dialing Restrictions - If set, the campaign will not dial outside of these hours, based on the timezone associated with the contact's area code.
- Scheduling - Schedule when to start and stop the broadcast. Set a weekly schedule, for instance, to start the broadcast on every Monday and Wednesday.
- Max Simultaneous Calls - Set the maximum number of calls to send out at the same time.
- Automatic Retry - Allows you to set up a retry configuration to attempt a contact's phone number again if, on the first attempt, the contact's number was busy or the call was unanswered. You can specify how many times CallFire should attempt to call a phone number, and set the interval between attempts.
Important. By default Send Texts and Send Calls operations send out an action through default broadcast. Each account has default Voice, IVR, and Text broadcasts which are used in case you don't specify a campaignId parameter in Send Calls/Texts request. In case you need to send a voice or text message through a campaign with a specific configuration, just set the campaignId parameter.
Start / Stop a Broadcast
CallFire provides the ability to start and stop broadcasts at any time. This applies to all types of broadcasts: Voice, IVR, and Text. Also, you can schedule a broadcast to start in the future. The following examples show how to start a Call Broadcast, and the same operations are available for Text broadcasts as well.
[[code-container]] [+curl] request:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
curl -u username:password -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X POST "https://api.callfire.com/v2/calls/broadcasts/11646003/start"
200 OK - No Response
import com.callfire.api.client.CallfireClient;
class ApiClientSample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
CallfireClient client = new CallfireClient("api_login", "api_password");
using CallfireApiClient;
public class ApiClientSample
public static void Main(string[] args)
var client = new CallfireClient("api_login", "api_password");
const CallfireClient = require('callfire-api-client-js');
const client = new CallfireClient('api-login', 'api-password');
client.ready(() => {
client.calls.startVoiceBroadcast({id: 11646003})
.then((response) => {
.catch((err) => {
console.log('request error ' + err.data);
(clientError) => {
console.log('client error ' + clientError);
from callfire.client import CallfireClient
client = CallfireClient('api-login', 'api-password')
class ApiClientSample {
public static function main() {
$client = \CallFire\Api\DocumentedClient::createClient("login", "password");
$request = $client->startVoiceBroadcast();
$request->getOperationConfig()->setPathParameters(array("id" => 11646003));
$result = $client->request($request);
$json = json_decode($result->getBody());
The same API method is available to start Text Broadcasts.
Schedule a Broadcast
CallFire allows you to schedule a broadcast upon creation or after it was created. Broadcasts support multiple schedule objects per single instance, so you can make a long-term schedule to start-stop your campaigns. You may specify a particular timezone for your schedules, and turn on and off that schedule.
To remove broadcast schedules invoke an Update API on a particular broadcast with an empty array of schedules e.g. "schedules":[]
The following code examples show how to add schedules to an existing call broadcast with ID 10030003 so that it will start twice in December: one the one hand, between 10:00 and 18:00 between the 1st through 10th, and on the other, between 10:00 and 18:00 on weekends between the 20th and 30th.
[[code-container]] [+curl] request:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
curl -u username:password -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X PUT -d '
"schedules": [
"startTimeOfDay": {
"hour": 10,
"minute": 0,
"second": 0
"stopTimeOfDay": {
"hour": 18,
"minute": 0,
"second": 0
"daysOfWeek": [
"timeZone": "America/New_York",
"startDate": {
"year": 2016,
"month": 12,
"day": 1
"stopDate": {
"year": 2016,
"month": 12,
"day": 10
"startTimeOfDay": {
"hour": 10,
"minute": 0,
"second": 0
"stopTimeOfDay": {
"hour": 18,
"minute": 0,
"second": 0
"daysOfWeek": [
"timeZone": "America/New_York",
"startDate": {
"year": 2016,
"month": 12,
"day": 20
"stopDate": {
"year": 2016,
"month": 12,
"day": 30
}' "https://api.callfire.com/v2/calls/broadcasts/11646003"
200 OK - No Response
import com.callfire.api.client.CallfireClient;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.campaigns.model.CallBroadcast;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.campaigns.model.DayOfWeek;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.campaigns.model.LocalDate;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.campaigns.model.LocalTime;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.campaigns.model.Schedule;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.common.model.LocalDate;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.common.model.LocalTime;
import java.time.DayOfWeek;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
* An Example how update broadcast and set multiple schedule to
* start-stop campaign twice in December
class ApiClientSample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
CallfireClient client = new CallfireClient("api_login", "api_password");
CallBroadcast broadcast = new CallBroadcast();
// set id of an existing broadcast, you can use find() method to search
// for particular broadcast id
// schedule a campaign to run on Saturday and Sunday between 2016-12-01 10:00:00
// and 2016-12-10 18:00:00
Schedule schedule1 = new Schedule();
schedule1.setStartDate(new LocalDate(2016, 12, 1));
schedule1.setStartTimeOfDay(new LocalTime(10, 0, 0));
schedule1.setStopDate(new LocalDate(2016, 12, 10));
schedule1.setStopTimeOfDay(new LocalTime(18, 0, 0));
schedule1.setDaysOfWeek(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(DayOfWeek.SATURDAY, DayOfWeek.SUNDAY)));
// set optional time zone, if leave empty account's timezone will be used
// add another schedule for campaign to start on Saturday and Sunday between 2016-12-20 10:00:00
// and 2016-12-30 18:00:00
Schedule schedule2 = new Schedule();
schedule2.setStartDate(new LocalDate(2016, 12, 20));
schedule2.setStartTimeOfDay(new LocalTime(10, 0, 0));
schedule2.setStopDate(new LocalDate(2016, 12, 30));
schedule2.setStopTimeOfDay(new LocalTime(18, 0, 0));
schedule2.setDaysOfWeek(new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(DayOfWeek.SATURDAY, DayOfWeek.SUNDAY)));
broadcast.setSchedules(Arrays.asList(schedule1, schedule2));
// update broadcast
using System.Collections.Generic;
using CallfireApiClient;
using CallfireApiClient.Api.Campaigns.Model;
public class ApiClientSample
public static void Main(string[] args)
var client = new CallfireClient("api_login", "api_password");
var broadcast = new CallBroadcast
Id = 11646003,
Schedules = new List<Schedule>
// schedule a campaign to run on Saturday and Sunday between 2016-12-01 10:00:00
// and 2016-12-10 18:00:00
new Schedule
StartDate = new LocalDate {Year = 2016, Month = 12, Day = 1},
StartTimeOfDay = new LocalTime {Hour = 10, Minute = 0, Second = 0},
StopDate = new LocalDate {Year = 2016, Month = 12, Day = 10},
StopTimeOfDay = new LocalTime {Hour = 18, Minute = 0, Second = 0},
// set weekly schedule
DaysOfWeek = new HashSet<DayOfWeek> {DayOfWeek.SATURDAY, DayOfWeek.SUNDAY},
// set optional time zone, if leave empty account's timezone will be used
TimeZone = "America/New_York"
// add another schedule for campaign to start on Saturday and Sunday between 2016-12-20 10:00:00
// and 2016-12-30 18:00:00
new Schedule
StartDate = new LocalDate {Year = 2016, Month = 12, Day = 20},
StartTimeOfDay = new LocalTime {Hour = 10, Minute = 0, Second = 0},
StopDate = new LocalDate {Year = 2016, Month = 12, Day = 30},
StopTimeOfDay = new LocalTime {Hour = 18, Minute = 0, Second = 0},
// set weekly schedule
DaysOfWeek = new HashSet<DayOfWeek> {DayOfWeek.SATURDAY, DayOfWeek.SUNDAY}
// update broadcast with new schedules
const CallfireClient = require('callfire-api-client-js');
const client = new CallfireClient('api-login', 'api-password');
client.ready(() => {
id: 11646003,
body: {
schedules: [
startTimeOfDay: {
hour: 10,
minute: 0,
second: 0
stopTimeOfDay: {
hour: 18,
minute: 0,
second: 0
daysOfWeek: [
timeZone: 'America/New_York',
startDate: {
year: 2016,
month: 12,
day: 1
stopDate: {
year: 2016,
month: 12,
day: 10
startTimeOfDay: {
hour: 10,
minute: 0,
second: 0
stopTimeOfDay: {
hour: 18,
minute: 0,
second: 0
daysOfWeek: [
timeZone: 'America/New_York',
startDate: {
year: 2016,
month: 12,
day: 20
stopDate: {
year: 2016,
month: 12,
day: 30
.then((response) => {
.catch((err) => {
console.log('request error ' + err.data);
(clientError) => {
console.log('client error ' + clientError);
from callfire.client import CallfireClient
client = CallfireClient('api-login', 'api-password')
'schedules': [
'startTimeOfDay': {
'hour': 10,
'minute': 0,
'second': 0
'stopTimeOfDay': {
'hour': 18,
'minute': 0,
'second': 0
'daysOfWeek': [
'timeZone': 'America/New_York',
'startDate': {
'year': 2016,
'month': 12,
'day': 1
'stopDate': {
'year': 2016,
'month': 12,
'day': 10
'startTimeOfDay': {
'hour': 10,
'minute': 0,
'second': 0
'stopTimeOfDay': {
'hour': 18,
'minute': 0,
'second': 0
'daysOfWeek': [
'timeZone': 'America/New_York',
'startDate': {
'year': 2016,
'month': 12,
'day': 20
'stopDate': {
'year': 2016,
'month': 12,
'day': 30
class ApiClientSample {
public static function main() {
$client = \CallFire\Api\DocumentedClient::createClient("login", "password");
$request = $client->updateCallBroadcast();
$request->getOperationConfig()->setPathParameters(array("id" => 11646003));
$body = '{
"hour": 10,
"minute": 0,
"second": 0
"hour": 18,
"minute": 0,
"second": 0
"timeZone": "America/New_York",
"year": 2016,
"month": 12,
"day": 1
"year": 2016,
"month": 12,
"day": 10
"hour": 10,
"minute": 0,
"second": 0
"hour": 18,
"minute": 0,
"second": 0
"timeZone": "America/New_York",
"year": 2016,
"month": 12,
"day": 20
"year": 2016,
"month": 12,
"day": 30
$result = $client->request($request);
$json = json_decode($result->getBody());
How to Get Call/Text Statistics from a Broadcast
You can fetch a broadcast's statistics like the number of total actions (Call/Text) made by the platform, the number of remaining actions, the number of errors, the number of calls by disposition, the calls duration, billed amount, etc. The following samples show how to fetch statistics for a Call Broadcast:
[[code-container]] [+curl] request:
#!/usr/bin/env bash
curl -u username:password -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X GET "https://api.callfire.com/v2/calls/broadcasts/11646003/stats?begin=1473781817000&end=1473781817000&fields=totalOutboundCount,billedAmount,callsAttempted"
"totalOutboundCount": 2,
"remainingOutboundCount": 0,
"billedAmount": 1.6667,
"callsAttempted": 1,
"callsPlaced": 1,
"callsDuration": 1,
"billedDuration": 60,
"responseRatePercent": 100,
"callsRemaining": 1,
"callsAwaitingRedial": 0,
"callsLiveAnswer": 1,
"totalCount": 2,
"answeringMachineCount": 0,
"busyCount": 0,
"dialedCount": 1,
"doNotCallCount": 1,
"errorCount": 0,
"liveCount": 1,
"miscCount": 0,
"noAnswerCount": 0,
"transferCount": 0
import com.callfire.api.client.CallfireClient;
import com.callfire.api.client.api.campaigns.model.CallBroadcastStats;
import java.util.Calendar;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
class ApiClientSample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
CallfireClient client = new CallfireClient("api_login", "api_password");
Date end = new GregorianCalendar(2016, Calendar.SEPTEMBER, 15, 50, 17, 0).getTime();
Date begin = new GregorianCalendar(2016, Calendar.SEPTEMBER, 15, 50, 17, 0).getTime();
// limit returned fields if needed
String fields = "totalOutboundCount,billedAmount,callsAttempted";
CallBroadcastStats stats = client.callBroadcastsApi().getStats(11646003L, fields, begin, end);
using System;
using CallfireApiClient;
public class ApiClientSample
public static void Main(string[] args)
var client = new CallfireClient("api_login", "api_password");
// limit returned fields if needed
var fields = "totalOutboundCount,billedAmount,callsAttempted";
var begin = new DateTime(2016, 9, 13, 15, 50, 17);
var end = new DateTime(2016, 9, 13, 15, 50, 17);
var stats = client.CallBroadcastsApi.GetStats(11646003, fields, begin, end);
const CallfireClient = require('callfire-api-client-js');
const client = new CallfireClient('api-login', 'api-password');
client.ready(() => {
id: 11646003,
// filter by time interval
begin: 1473781817000,
// filter by time interval
end: 1473781817000,
// return only specific fields
fields: 'totalOutboundCount,billedAmount,callsAttempted'
.then((response) => {
.catch((err) => {
console.log('request error ' + err.data);
(clientError) => {
console.log('client error ' + clientError);
from callfire.client import CallfireClient
client = CallfireClient('api-login', 'api-password')
response = client.calls.getCallBroadcastStats(
# filter by time interval
# filter by time interval
# return only specific fields
# see sample JSON response for this API
# on 'curl' samples tab
class ApiClientSample {
public static function main() {
$client = \CallFire\Api\DocumentedClient::createClient("login", "password");
$request = $client->getCallBroadcastStats();
$request->getOperationConfig()->setPathParameters(array("id" => 11646003));
$request->getOperationConfig()->setQueryParameters(array("begin" => 1473781817000,
"end" => 1473781817000,
"fields" => "totalOutboundCount,billedAmount,callsAttempted"));
$result = $client->request($request);
$json = json_decode($result->getBody());
Check API method reference for detailed information about request type, parameters, responses.
Receiving Notifications from CallFire
CallFire provides a notification service called webhooks. You can always create a webhook to start receiving notifications from CallFire based on some event, for instance when a broadcast is started or finished, or a call is finished. Information on how to create and configure a webhook can be found at Webhooks Guide page.
API Use Cases
The following guides show how to build an integration with CallFire based on a particular use-case. Each use-case shows how to use Broadcasts API
- Political Campaign Conducting a Poll - send a voice broadcast to a number of recipients and collect recipient's answers.
- Non-Profit Agency Soliciting Donations - shows how to set up voice or text broadcasts, subscribe to CallFire's events, query statistics, responses, etc.