
Contacts endpoint

API path:

All api endpoints return response in XML format by default, to get response in JSON put .json at the end of API path.

Create contact list

Add contact list to account using 1 of 4 inputs: list of contacts, numbers string, list of contactIds, or csv file containing contacts or numbers. If more then one ContactSource specified then only load from 1 source with precedence as listed above. On import contact lists go through seven system safeguards that check the accuracy of the list. For example, our system checks if a number is formatted correctly, is invalid, is duplicated in another contact list, or is on your Do Not Contact list. API calls have their default validation error resolutions set differently then the defaults set on the CallFire web site under Settings | List Validation. The API validation defaults are:

| Validation error           | Resolution          |
| LIST_HAS_DNC_CONTACTS      | SCRUB               |
| LIST_HAS_INVALID_NUMBERS   | SCRUB               |

Operation parameters

Example how to create contact list from contacts

$ curl \
    -X POST \
    -u login:password \
    -d Name=Api contact list 1 \
    -d Contact[0][firstName]=Alice \
    -d Contact[0][lastName]=Moore \
    -d Contact[0][zipcode]=12345 \
    -d Contact[0][homePhone]=12345678901 \
    -d Contact[0][workPhone]=12345678900 \
    -d Contact[0][A]=custom_value_1 \
    -d Contact[0][B]=custom value 2 \
    -d Contact[1][firstName]=Bob \
    -d Contact[1][lastName]=Schmidt \
    -d Contact[1][homePhone]=12345678801 \
    -d Contact[1][mobilePhone]=12345678800 \
    -d Contact[2][firstName]=John \
    -d Contact[2][homePhone]=12345677701

Example how to create contact list from csv file

contacts.csv file:

firstName,lastName,homePhone,workPhone,custom data1, custom data2
Alice,Moore,12345678901,12345678900,test value1, test value2
Bob,Schmidt,12345678999,12345678888,test value3, test value4
$ curl \
    -X POST \
    -u login:password \
    -F Name=Api contact list 2 \
    -F File=@contacts.csv

Example response

response code - 201 Created

    "ResourceReference": {

Add contacts to existing contact list

Add contacts to existing contact list identified by id, request has the same contact source as in CreateContactList operation.

Operation parameters

Example request

$ curl \
    -u login:password \
    -X POST \
    -d Contact[0][firstName]=Jason \
    -d Contact[0][lastName]=Mars \
    -d Contact[0][homePhone]=12345578901 \
    -d Contact[0][workPhone]=12345668900 \
    -d Contact[0][A]=custom_value_1 \
    -d Contact[0][B]=custom value 2

Example response

response code - 204 No content