CallFire API v2.0 .NET SDK
- .NET 4.6+
- Newtonsoft.Json >= 7.0.1
- RestSharp = 106.6.4
Getting started
To install CallFire API v2 client, run the following command in the Package Manager Console
PM> Install-Package CallfireApiClient
or using nuget console tool:
$ nuget install CallfireApiClient
it will install the latest public version, other releases you can find at releases page. After these steps CallfireApiClient should appear in your project dependencies along with other transitive ones.
A Note for Visual Studio installation: to be able to use api client please manually copy callfire-api-client.dll.config from your solutionFolder\packages\CallfireApiClient.?.?.? folder to target dir. You can use post-build event for that. Command example for post-build event:
xcopy "$(SolutionDir)packages\CallfireApiClient.?.?.?\lib\callfire-api-client.dll.config" "$(TargetDir)" /i /R /Y
You don't have to use callfire-api-client.dll.config. Client will use default api base path ( when dll.config is not present.
In case you want to build it yourself:
$ git clone
$ cd callfire-api-client-csharp
// build on windows platform
$ gradlew.bat clean nugetPack
// build on unix platforms
$ ./gradlew clean nugetPack
it will produce zip & Nuget packages in build/dist directory:
callfire-api-client.dll - client assembly
callfire-api-client.dll.config - configuration file
callfire-api-client.xml - XML documentation
then you can install Nuget package locally or unpack zip package into your project's lib directory.
To create client instance just provide API login and password. API credentials should be configured on Account -> Settings -> API Access page. Client uses HTTPS connection and Basic Authentication.
Example how to get account information using client:
class MainClass
public static void Main(string[] args)
var client = new CallfireClient("api_login", "api_password");
List of API groups:
var client = new CallfireClient("api_login", "api_password");
Error handling
The CallFire Developers API uses standard HTTP response codes for responses. These HTTP codes indicate whether or not an API operation is successful.
Status Code 200 is the desired response code. A standard JSON response will follow.
Codes in the 400s range detail all of the errors a CallFire Developer could encounter while using the API. Bad Request, Rate Limit Reached, and Unauthorized are some of the sorts of responses in the 400s block.
Codes in the 500s range are error responses from the CallFire system. If an error has occurred anywhere in the execution of a resource that was not due to user input, a 500 response will be returned with a corresponding JSON error body. In that body will contain a message detailing what went wrong.
All API methods throw following exceptions:
- CallfireClientException - in case error has occurred in client
- CallfireApiException - in case API cannot be queried for some reason and server returned error (this is the base
exception for API errors, some specific HTTP codes have their own exception):
- 400 - BadRequestException - The request was formatted improperly
- 401 - UnauthorizedException - API Key missing or invalid
- 403 - AccessForbiddenException - Insufficient permissions
- 404 - ResourceNotFoundException - The resource requested does not exist
- 500 - InternalServerErrorException - We had an error! Sorry about that.
- any other error code will throw CallfireApiException
CallfireApiException has ApiErrorMessage property with details of occurred error, here is fields listing:
int? HttpStatusCode;
int? InternalCode;
string Message;
string DeveloperMessage;
string HelpLink;
Starting from version 1.1.4 users have possibility to make API calls go through proxy, here is an example how to configure it:
RestApiClient.getClientConfig().Add(ClientConstants.PROXY_ADDRESS_PROPERTY, "localhost:3128");
RestApiClient.getClientConfig().Add(ClientConstants.PROXY_CREDENTIALS_PROPERTY, "proxyuser:proxypass");
// now create client
CallfireClient Client = new CallfireClient("api_user", "api_pass");
Console.WriteLine("account: " + Client.MeApi.GetAccount());
Proxy address port is optional, 8080 is used by default. IMPORTANT. You must add proxy address property and proxy credentials (if needed) before client instantiation!
It's possible to configure proxy not only using config file but also using additional client config for CallfireClient object. Here is example how to do that:
CallfireClient Client = new CallfireClient("api_user", "api_pass");
Client.SetClientConfig(new ClientConfig(){
ProxyAddress = "localhost",
ProxyPort = 3128,
ProxyLogin = "proxyuser",
ProxyPassword = "proxypass"
Console.WriteLine("account: " + Client.MeApi.GetAccount());
Debug & logging
In case you want to see requests/responses which client sends/receives from Callfire platform you should copy system.diagnostics section from callfire-api-client.dll.config into your application's app.config file, then it will create callfire-api-client.log file in your work directory with debug output:
2015/10/21 19:02:47:355 EEST [DEBUG] RestApiClient - GET request to with params: []
2015/10/21 19:02:48:722 EEST [DEBUG] RestApiClient - received entity
"id" : 1234567890,
"email" : "",
"name" : "test",
"firstName" : "John",
"lastName" : "Doe",
"permissions" : [ "ACCOUNT_HOLDER" ]
Source code debugging is available with help of nuget symbolsource directory. Recommended configuration for Visual Studio:
Platform compatibility
Library was built and tested on OS X with mono 4.2.1 .NET 4.5 and Windows 7 x64 .NET 4.5 platform
In case you have an issue, please create a ticket at Issues page. Issue description should contain a brief info (including versions) about platform, IDE, .NET framework where this SDK is used.
What you should verify:
- callfire-api-client.dll.config file is placed next to .dll assembly
- System.Configuration is selected in project's references window