

Calls the specified URL. The tag works with CallFire XML variables and the PHP script to obtain data from a specified source. The resulting data string can be stored under a varname and referenced later in the script.


The value is the URL referencing the desired data string.


Attribute Required Values Description
name N any text A unique name for the tag
varname N any text Stores the response from the get request to this variable
timeout N an integer Number of milliseconds before timeout
sni N an boolean SNI support of requiring URL


Call a URL with an ID and play back the response in a play tag.

<dialplan name="Root">
    <setvar varname="MyID">${call.lastinput}</setvar>
    <get varname="myresult" sni="true">${MyID}</get>
    <play type="tts">${myresult}</play>